Join The Project

Joining is easy.
Choose one of our two contribution options. and complete your payment.

Both contributions automatically give you full access to all of the site’s premium content such as our card shufflers and app, tutorials and engaging posts.

The first option is to commit to a monthly contribution of $5 and the second option is to contribute $50 once a year.

The project’s posts have an option of commenting. Rules apply!!!

❤️ A commitment to positivity!

❤️ Aiming for perfection but never getting there, because then what?

❤️ Exploring our past, present and future for positive surprises, bonuses and gifts!

❤️ To let love lead!

❤️ Take a chance and move into your bravery zone!

❤️ To be miracle minded!

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Join The Project

Joining is easy.
Choose one of our two contribution options. and complete your payment.

Both contributions automatically give you full access to all of the site’s premium content such as our card shufflers and app, tutorials and engaging posts.

The first option is to commit to a monthly contribution of $5 and the second option is to contribute $50 once a year.

The project’s posts have an option of commenting. Rules apply!!!

❤️ A commitment to positivity!

❤️ Aiming for perfection but never getting there, because then what?

❤️ Exploring our past, present and future for positive surprises, bonuses and gifts!

❤️ To let love lead!

❤️ Take a chance and move into your bravery zone!

❤️ To be miracle minded!

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