In this post we deal with why we find it hard to switch ourselves off, daydreaming and turning boredom into positive leisure time. Let’s start with what some of recent publications say about boredom.

Here’s an excerpt from the New York Post: ”In today's digital age, it's common to combat boredom by rapidly switching between online videos or social media content. However, research suggests that this behaviour, known as "digital switching," may actually exacerbate feelings of boredom. A study involving 1,200 participants found that individuals who continuously skipped through multiple videos reported higher levels of boredom compared to those who watched a single video uninterrupted. This indicates that immersing oneself fully in one piece of content can enhance engagement and reduce boredom.” (

The Guardian has this to say: “Embracing periods of boredom can also be beneficial. Allowing oneself to experience boredom without immediate distraction can lead to increased creativity and self-reflection. By understanding and accepting boredom as a natural part of life, we can use it as an opportunity to explore new interests and develop a deeper connection with our inner selves.” (

ChatGPT provides this conclusion: “… while boredom is often seen as an unpleasant state, it plays a crucial role in our psychological well-being. Recognising it as a signal for change and approaching it mindfully can transform it into a catalyst for personal growth and creativity.”

What does neuroscience reveal about boredom? I found 25 facts, and here they are: (keep reading to the end of the list)
1. Real periods of boredom are very unpleasant to us.
2. Doing absolutely nothing is awful and painful.
3. Not being able to let go means our unsolved problems and conflicts bubble up in our minds whenever we have a moment of peace and desire to relax.
4. Our brain is unable to relax and so it plays back ideas and problems over and over again. This puts us in a bad mood.
5. When we do nothing, the brain idles.
6. Even when we aren’t thinking about anything particular there’s quite a lot going on in our brain (white noise).
7. The “default mode” network: rumination!
8. What really bores us to tears is having to do a monotonous task: data entry, spreadsheets, forms, waiting whilst being isolated from any type of activity.
9. During a moment of forced meaningless or nonsense tasks our default mode network switches on.
10. We are unable to turn our brains off and this inability makes us unhappy since most of our daydreaming has a tendency to bring our mood down.
11. Our brains switch to “daydream” mode not only in boring situations but also during 50% of all practical activities.
12. Some workplaces offer the perfect recipe for a state of boredom by implementing workflows meant to be carried out efficiently, with as little variation as possible, along with monotonous processes that suppress any form of deviation.
13. Humans were not destined for highly efficient workflows but require variation in order to maintain concentration.
14. The ability of our thoughts to wander is in fact a human strength that enables us to solve problems in a new way: innovation and creation.
15. Idleness of the brain can be the beginning of creativity.
16. Self-selected moments of withdrawal have a high quality of effectiveness.
17. In these moments we are able to actively interact with our surroundings, thereby giving free reign to our thoughts.
18. We are capable of detaching ourselves from the present moment and taking on a variety of perspectives. we can travel through time; we are able to empathise with others; we can land on fresh ideas; we can discover new perspectives.
19. The more concrete a task or activity is, the easier it is for our thoughts to distract us. For example, we are reading a text but simultaneously are wondering about a strange look that a colleague gave us before.It will be hard to focus on the text.
20. When we tackle tasks that require little stress or hard work, we’re less likely to be distracted.
21. It is important to equally balance both concentration and distraction and to fit them to the task. People who practice this deliberately are not only more creative, but also tend to make fewer impulsive decisions.
22. Someone who can play out all possible consequences of their decisions will be much less likely to make rash choices.
23. Whether our brain switches into an awful boredom mode or into a creative period of leisurely day dreaming depends on the environment. Mildly monotonous tasks will help to generate a state of creative idleness. Perfect example: READING A BOOK.
24. Many people get their best new ideas when taking a shower, cleaning their home, listening to music, shaving or reading a book.
25. What can you do to get out of the cycle of ruminating? Deactivate your default mode network by engaging with other people, by allowing external stimuli to distract you. Meditation and mindfulness facilitate a sense of peace, and this may have a place in your life, but they turn down creativity.

Turn boredom into positive leisure time or creative breakthroughs. Explore your potential, and train your mind to unlock unstoppable creativity. Start your journey today! Get started


On the experience of being near death.


Motivation - our brain’s driving force