Welcome to this free session on the miracle principle: "Unite Human Frailty with the Strength of Source." At the heart of this particular journey is the understanding that human frailty is rooted in the constraints of personality and past experiences.

The session guides you through the profound process of releasing the limitations of the stuff that formed your mind up till now and embracing infinite strength and love. This strength and love lie dormant within you. Dormant, because at the moment you don’t use either of them. By clearing away the mental and emotional blocks that hinder your connection with this source, you can start using them as an alternative to ordinary thinking.

Ordinary, everyday thinking is mapped by neuroscience and psychology to perfection and by surrendering the limitations these sciences bring to light, you create space to extend love, and through this you will recognise that giving and receiving love, or any idea for that matter, are the same in truth. In the “self-awareness” section we’ll dive straight into this and explore cognitive biases such as the Dunning-Kruger effect, confirmation bias and optimism bias.

Course 1:
Miracle principle

Course 3:

Lesson 3, “possibilities”, explores two fundamental rules. The first one being that ideas leave not their source - your thoughts, whether positive or negative, remain within your mind and shape your experience. And the second being concerned with the idea that you are not a body - there is no death, drawing from insights through near-death-experiences to shift your perspective on your life and the world from all you thought it was.

Lesson 4, is all about using tools for “transformation”. We’ll look at releasing the need to prove a point and disclose how much energy is spent by ordinary, everyday thinking to do just that. Furthermore, we’ll get into mind-mapping negative thoughts, set clear boundaries and cultivate a mindset that fosters clarity and peace.

Finally, we’ll review the importance of the undoing from beliefs, fears and habits that clog your channel since this will lead you into your natural state of being.

Are you ready to let go of what no longer serves you and step into the freedom and power of your true self? Let the journey begin.

Course 2:

Course 4: